Hayley Devlin LLB
Legal writer and former solicitor
How Much Could You Claim?
Does your claim qualify? Get free, no obligation advice!
We do try our best to provide our visitors and customers with the very best service and advice that we possibly can, but we are human and unfortunately we may fall short of the high standards we hold ourselves to. In this case, we will try all we can to rectify the problem and ensure it never happens to anyone again. As a result we’ve developed this complaints procedure to ensure our customers know where to go and what to do to bring any issues to our attention. Hopefully we can win you back with our response!
Any person who wishes to make a complaint about the claims management services offered by this site may do so
a) by email to:
b) by letter to:
Claims.co.uk Ltd
124 City Road
United Kingdom
c) by telephone to:
02893 359698
i) We reserve the right to decline to consider any complaint raised more than 6 months after the complainant became aware of the cause of the complaint.
ii) We will send a written or electronic acknowledgement of any complaint received within 5 business days of receipt of any such complaint, giving the job description of the person handling the complaint, together with a copy of this internal complaints handling procedure.
iii) Within 4 weeks of receiving the complaint we will either send the complainant a final response or a holding response, explaining why it has not been possible to deal with the complaint within 4 weeks, and indicate when further contact will be made, which will be within 8 weeks of the original complaint.
iv) If a final response cannot still be provided within this 8 week timescale then the complainant will be informed of this and the reasons why, and advised of their right to make a complaint to the Financial Conduct Authority.
If a client is dissatisfied after using our Internal Complaints Handling Procedure then they can make a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service.
Complaints may be made in writing, online, by telephone or any other form to
The Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
Harbour Exchange
E14 9SR
Website : www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/
Telephone : 0800 023 4567
Opening hours : 8am to 8pm, Monday-Friday and 9am to 1pm on Saturdays
When you submit your details, you'll be in safe hands. Our partners are National Accident Helpline (a brand of National Accident Law, a firm of personal injury solicitors regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority). They are the UK's leading personal injury service. Their friendly legal services advisers will call you to talk about your claim and give you free, no-obligation advice. National Accident Law may pay us a marketing fee for our services.
By submitting your personal data, you agree for your details to be sent to National Accident Law so they can contact you to discuss your claim.
If you win your case, your solicitor's success fee will be taken from the compensation you are awarded - up to a maximum of 25%. Your solicitor will discuss any fees before starting your case.
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