Lucy Trevelyan LLB
NCTJ-qualified journalist
Broken Hand Claims
Does your claim qualify? Get free, no obligation advice!
If you’ve injured your hand and fractured a bone, your ability to do your normal tasks may be severely curtailed. Thankfully, if you’ve broken your hand and it was someone else’s fault, you should be able to make a hand injury compensation claim from those responsible.
Our hands our integral to who we are and how we get through daily lives. We use them for just about every task you can think of, so
Broken hand injuries are not only a huge inconvenience, they are likely to be extremely painful and you could be facing further treatment. While a hand injury may be the result of the injured person’s own carelessness, in many cases hand injuries are caused by someone else’s negligence.
A broken hand is often caused when someone slips on a wet floor or trips over a hazard, such as an uneven paving slab, with the injured person instinctively putting their hand out to ‘save themselves’. Hand injuries can also be caused in the workplace, in public places and while playing sports. However, in these situations there’s usually a duty of care owed towards other people; and if that duty is breached causing a hand injury – those responsible risk facing broken hand injury claims.
The fact is, a hand injury can leave a permanent disability; you may be unable to perform your normal job; you may find writing and holding things difficult; and you may be prevented from being able to enjoy your favourite sports or hobby. If it’s your dominant hand, the lasting impact of your injury could prove devastating.
It’s only fair that you should have the right to claim broken hand compensation to help make your recovery easier to cope with.
If you’ve suffered a broken hand or other hand injuries and someone else was to blame, you could make a no win no fee personal injury claim. With specialist help from legally trained advisers, call 0800 234 6438, or if you prefer, you can request a call back using the claim form here.
If there’s a good chance of you winning a hand injury compensation claim, a team of personal injury solicitors will take your case on a no win no fee claims basis. This removes the financial risk of making a valid claim and you don’t need to worry about how much it will cost you.
At the outset, you’ll sign a ‘conditional fee agreement’ with your solicitor; this means you’ll have no legal costs to pay if your hand injury compensation claim is unsuccessful. And if you win, you’ll receive your compensation amount. Out of the sum you receive, you will then pay your solicitors a ‘success fee’ which covers your legal fees. This will never be more than 25% of what you recover for your hand fracture.
To take the first step in the no win no fee hand injury compensation claims process, simply call 0800 234 6438 for a no obligation consultation with a trained legal adviser. They’ll talk you through your accident, explain your options and partner you with specialist solicitors. The law firm will be regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority – giving you much needed peace of mind during the no win no fee claims process.
Our hands are an amazing engineering wonder and can perform numerous tasks, ranging from carrying heavy objects and playing musical instruments, to using them to feel different sensations with the gentlest of touches. Sir Isaac Newton, one of the greatest scientific minds in human history, said: “In the absence of any other proof, the thumb alone would convince me of God’s existence.
Our hands are each made up of 29 bones and 29 joints, along with its muscles, nerves and other soft tissue. The bones include:
Fractures of the hand need to be treated quickly to minimise the risk of further problems. No one wants to risk being unable to perform their usual activities, which they once did without thinking, because their injured hand has not healed properly.
No two hand fractures are the same. You may have slight cracked finger injuries or you may have suffered severe hand injuries which need surgery. If you’re unsure whether you’ve fractured a finger or another part of your hand or wrist, the advice is to seek medical attention as soon as possible.
The nature of broken hand injuries varies depending on the cause and where the injuries themselves are located. The most common fractured hand injuries are:
These are the most common hand injury, with treatment depending on the location of the break. They usually heal by around 4 months but the area can be sensitive for several months. More severe injuries, such as displaced metacarpal fractures, may need realigning with the insertion of screws and pins.
These are common types of finger fractures which usually heal on their own without a plaster cast. Often, a straightforward broken finger is taped to the next finger to keep it relatively immobile while it heals. It can take up to 8 weeks to heal, but the injured person may have a stiff hand for some time after.
These are usually caused by traumatic force, such as falling over. If it’s straightforward and not displaced, you may have a plaster cast or a splint to immobile your wrist and hand for a few weeks. If it’s displaced, you’re likely to need surgery, perhaps with pins, plates and screws to hold the bones in place.
As well as fractures, you’ll probably have sustained soft tissue injuries to the surrounding area, such as the muscles, a ligament or a tendon. The nerves are also likely to be damaged.
Anyone who has broken their hand or sustained wrist injuries and it was someone else’s fault should be able to bring a hand injury claim to reflect the full extent of their pain and suffering. The most important step you can take is to get in touch with a legal advisor for free advice on 0800 234 6438. They’ll let you know whether they think you have a valid claim, and can then pass you on to a specialist personal injury solicitor.
Hand fractures are often mild and heal relatively quickly with the correct treatment. Simple closed broken fingers or stress fractures, for instance, should be straightforward to treat. But sometimes, severe non-accidental fractures are caused, such as crushing injuries or an open (‘compound’) fracture where the broken bone penetrates the skin.
Open fractures may be caused by trauma, for instance a road traffic accident or an accident in the workplace involving unguarded machinery. These hand injuries are extremely painful and need urgent medical treatment. Surgery will almost certainly be necessary, with pins, plates and/or screws inserted to hold the bones in place while it heals.
We use our hands almost all the time – even where we’re sitting reading or watching TV. So it’s more than likely that if you’ve fractured your hand, you’ll know about it. You will probably be in pain or discomfort; you’re likely to have swelling; and your finger or hand may appear deformed in some way. You’ll also probably be unable to use your hand properly, move it around or wiggle your fingers comfortably and you’ll be unable to bear weight on your hand.
If there are any signs you have suffered a hand fracture, you should seek medical treatment, whether at A&E or your minor injuries unit. The medical advice is to remove any rings as soon as possible (otherwise you risk having them cut off) and elevate your hand to reduce swelling. If left untreated, your hand is likely to becoming increasingly swollen and painful – in which case, you should certainly see a doctor quickly to avoid the possibility of ongoing issues.
Where your injury was caused through no fault of your own, call 0800 234 6438 to arrange a free consultation about making a broken hand compensation claim. Alternatively, you can complete the contact form here to request a call back.
Bone fractures in the hands can be caused in many different ways. They are typically caused by excessive force, falling onto the hand or by excessive twisting movements. We’ve all slipped or tripped – whether on the snow or over an uneven paving slab – and automatically put our hands out. Sometimes these situations are genuine accidents and no one is to blame.
However, don’t assume it was a simple accident – in many cases where slips, trips and other types of accident have occurred – the injured person finds out someone else was, in fact, to blame. With the help of specialist solicitors who will be able to look at the full circumstances of your hand injury, you can discover whether someone else ought to be held legally responsible for your hand injury
The most common causes of accidents that result in broken or fractured hands include:
Most workers are at some level of risk of a hand injury in the workplace, whether they work on a construction site, in a factory or in the office. Manual workers are naturally more at risk: common workplace accidents typically involve the use of machines and tools; but even office workers can risk a broken hand injury if an employer has breached health and safety rules.
Sports accidents are a key cause of hand injuries – particularly contact sports, such as rugby and handball. While anyone taking part in sports does so aware that there is a risk of injury, not all sports injuries are unavoidable. For example, if game organisers fail to ensure the playing surface is properly maintained and a player slips and fractures their hand, the injured player could make a broken hand compensation claim.
Slip and trips accidents are notorious for ending up with a broken wrist or hand injury, because the hand is often one of the first parts of the body to hit the floor when you land. The hand takes all the force and a fracture is the unwelcome result.
Find out more about claiming elderly fall compensation.
Car accidents are a major cause of broken hands and other injuries – to drivers, passengers, pedestrians or cyclists – because of the speed and force involved. If you’ve been involved in a road traffic accident where someone else was negligent, you should be able to start a personal injury claim for your hand injury.
Local authorities are responsible for ensuring their land and property, including stairs and pavements, are kept in a good state of repair and are safe for members of the public (and their employees) to walk on. Where councils fail in their duty of care and someone injures themselves, they could be held responsible under public liability laws.
Similarly, if your hand injury took place on private land or property and it was someone else’s fault, you could be entitled to claim compensation from the owner/occupier of the property. It is important to take specialist legal advice about your rights to make a claim under occupiers’ liability law.
While children are naturally accident prone, accidents and injuries involving children are not inevitable. Anyone who provides and operates play equipment for children, whether in a council-run park or playground, a private children’s play area or in school, has a legal duty to ensure children are kept reasonably safe from the risk of injury.
Regular risk assessments should be carried out; and equipment inspected and kept properly repaired and maintained. If a child suffers physical injury as a result of poorly maintained play equipment, they could be entitled to claim compensation.
Find out more about making a playground accident claim.
It’s not unknown for violent assaults to cause broken bones to the victims. Thankfully, anyone who suffers a fractured hand or other personal injuries could be entitled to claim compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA). This is a government-run compensation scheme.
The most common cause of a hand fracture is punching, particularly in young males; and falls in older females
If you or a loved one has fractured your hand and it wasn’t your fault, it’s straightforward to begin a hand injury claim. Get in touch with a legal advisor for free advice and in complete confidence on 0800 234 6438. They’ll let you know whether they think you’re eligible claim compensation, and can then pass you on to a personal injury solicitor.
1 in 2 women and 1 in 5 men over the age of 50 will break a bone because of poor bone health, such as osteoporosis
With the correct initial treatment, hand fractures usually heal relatively quickly without surgical intervention. You may need further rehabilitation such as physiotherapy or occupational therapy, particularly if you have residual weakness or stiffness – but it shouldn’t be long until you’re using your hand normally once again.
In the event of serious hand injuries, such as compound fractures and crush injuries, the length of recovery can be challenging. You may need an urgent operation, further surgery and ongoing treatment – and even then, regaining use of the hand may not be guaranteed.
In the worst cases, you could be left with a permanent disability and unable to use your hand as you once did before the accident. Personal injury claims are intended to compensate you to reflect the full seriousness and extent of your injury and its impact on you. Further risks and potential complications associated with fractured hands include:
While the bone injury itself usually heals quickly, it’s not uncommon to experience aches (particularly in cooler weather or when the hand has been used a fair amount). Exercise, physiotherapy and occupational therapy may be recommended.
This is treated seriously and arises when increasing pressure within one hand – usually caused by swelling – restricts the blood supply. It causes increasing physical pain and numbness and can damage the nerves and muscles. Surgery is usually necessary. In the worst cases where the hand can’t be saved, amputation is necessary.
A broken or shattered hand bone can pierce the surrounding nerves, leading to ongoing nerve damage. The symptoms of nerve injuries and damage range from sensitive and tingling skin to severe shooting pains or reduced feeling.
CRPS is not that uncommon where the injured person has had surgery on an injured hand. It is, unfortunately, a challenging condition for medics as there’s no conclusive diagnostic test. Instead, all the symptoms are considered and other possible conditions ruled out to come to a diagnosis of CRPS. Treatment depends on the severity and how long you’ve experienced CRPS. Different therapies may be offered; and nerve blocks and medication may be recommended. Surgery may also offer a solution, for example in the case of carpal tunnel syndrome.
If you experience CRPS, the impact on your life can be significant, such as preventing you from returning to work, unable to enjoy your usual activities. If it’s not diagnosed and treated promptly, you may be able to make a claim.
Compound fractures where the bone pierces the skin are always prone to infection, but they’re not so common in the case of open hand fractures. Where infection does set in, urgent treatment is needed.
In the event of very severe hand injuries, for example where infection of a fractured hand cannot be controlled, a planned hand – or hand and wrist – amputation may be necessary. It’s also not uncommon to have a finger amputated if it cannot be saved.
Compound fractures and displaced fractures needing surgery may leave permanent cosmetic disability, including scarring.
Fractures that impact the joint can cause arthritis which reveals itself with pain and swelling, well after the injury itself has healed.
A hand fracture is not straightforward in every case; not everyone fully recovers. The impact on your life could be substantial. Thankfully, your hand injury compensation claim will take into account the full impact of your injuries on your life and you can rely on your solicitor to recover maximum compensation for you.
Yes, if your hand fracture was someone else’s fault – they can be held legally responsible for the harm caused. Whether your hand injury occurred at work, after slipping on a supermarket floor or your child fell from play equipment – if someone else is to blame, you could be entitled to claim compensation for negligence.
To prove that the other party was negligent, your solicitor will have to demonstrate on balance that they had a duty of care towards you; they breached that duty; and your hand injuries were foreseeable and directly caused by their negligence..
Your solicitor will explain how hand injury compensation claims are conducted; and tell you what information they will need to make out your case. The first step you should take is to call on 0800 234 6438, or if you prefer, you can request a call back using the injury claim form here.
Hand and finger injuries are one of the most common injuries to occur in the workplace, with around 40% of workplace injuries involving hand injuries. All employers are legally required to ensure the workplace is safe from the risk of personal injuries to their workers, so if the injury was caused directly by a failure to ensure a safe working environment, a work compensation claim could begin.
Employers’ general responsibilities are set out in the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and other laws. One of the key duties is to undertake initial and ongoing regular risk assessments and to swiftly deal with any health and safety risks identified – so far as they reasonably can.
For example, workers in manual handling roles such as operating machines should be provided with suitable personal protective equipment (PPE, including strong work gloves; and the machines they work on should be regularly checked and maintained so that they don’t fail.
In addition to these general health and safety rules, specific rules apply in connection with certain types of work. For instance, The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) is an important regulation which applies to all the operation and use of workplace equipment, machines and tools. Under PUWER, employers are expected to ensure the equipment used is suitable and safe for its intended use.
Also, it should only be used by individuals who have been provided with adequate information, instruction and training. Proper safety measures should accompany each item of equipment. If safety measures are not implemented properly and a worker suffers hand injuries such as severe fractures, the employer will be held responsible for breach of duty of care.
If you’ve been injured at work, check that your employer has formally recorded the incident; and also reported the incident to the Health and Safety Executive if required. This is because under RIDDOR (the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013), most fractures and breaks must be reported – but not fractured fingers or thumbs. These records and any subsequent investigations will be important evidence when you make a hand injury claim.
To start claiming compensation if your hand injury occurred in a workplace accident, call for a free consultation on 0800 234 6438, or if you prefer, you can request a call back using the claim form here.
95% of major slips in the workplace result in fractured bones
We understand that many injured workers are very concerned about the prospect of claiming hand injury compensation from employers – particularly if they are still working for the business. However, you may find it reassuring to know that your employer will have liability insurance to protect them in the event of work compensation claims. This means successful broken hand compensation claims are paid out by employers’ insurers – and not out of their own pocket.
You’re also legally protected from being unfairly treated or sacked simply because you’re making a hand injury claim. If you feel you’re being harassed or victimised simply because you’re claiming compensation for a workplace injury, tell your specialist solicitors as soon as you can – you may be able to make an additional claim under employment laws.
Missed fractures or misdiagnosis of a fractured hand should not happen but, in practice, x-rays do not always show the fracture – particularly in wrists and in the case of stress fractures.
Find out more about misdiagnosis claims.
If no fracture is detected when you first see medical attention, but your symptoms suggest a fracture, you can expect to be referred for further investigations, such as a CT scan or MRI scan. If there is a failure to refer for further x-rays or scans in circumstances where a reasonable doctor should have done so, you may be able to make a claim.
Other medical errors that can happen include:
If you believe you’ve been given a poor standard of care and treatment after fracturing your hand, you may be able to start a claim for clinical negligence if it’s made matters worse for you. The important thing is to discuss your situation with a law firm who can provide free legal advice on claiming on a no win no fee basis following a hand injury.
A footballer whose wrist was still broken 18 months after a misdiagnosis and also a failure to order x-rays, was awarded a 5-figure compensation settlement by City Health Care Partnership in Hull
The most important step you can take to start your claim for broken hand compensation is to speak with an impartial legal advice service to ensure you don’t waste money on unnecessary legal fees that could leave you in debt. A trained adviser can assess your case and let you know if you can make a compensation claim.
Assuming you can – you will be partnered with a specialist solicitor offering a no win no fee service. To claim compensation call 0800 234 6438 for free legal advice about your hand injury or, if you’d rather, request a call back using the claim form here.
Your solicitor will discuss the circumstances of your hand injury, your recovery and how the injury has impacted your life. They will then start to gather the evidence needed to build the strongest possible hand injury case on your behalf.
To make this as speedy as possible, pass on the evidence you have, such as photographs of the scene of the accident; names and contact details of any witnesses; and any accident reports made to eg your employer.
Once your solicitors have accurate and detailed evidence, they’ll contact those responsible for your injury, present your legal claim to them and work towards negotiating a compensation settlement. Fortunately, most successful hand injury claims are concluded by agreeing a fair settlement with the other side.
However, while most do people want to settle hand injury claims outside of the courtroom, occasionally a negligent party might refuse to agree a fair settlement – or the defendant denies liability. This means a court hearing may become necessary, but your solicitor will represent you throughout any proceedings and work hard to get you the best possible outcome.
If you have suffered a hand fracture and any other non-accidental injuries, you could begin the claims process today. Get in touch with a legal advisor for free advice and in complete confidence on 0800 234 6438. They’ll confirm whether they think you’re eligible to make a hand injury case, and can then pass you on to a specialist personal injury solicitor.
When your solicitor makes your personal injury compensation claim, they will seek compensation for the injury itself and ‘loss of amenity’. This is known as ‘general damages’ and are intended to reflect your hand injury and account for the wider impact on your life, for example if you’re left with reduced use of the hand and you can’t play the piano anymore.
When making hand injury claims you can also claim for any reasonable financial losses caused directly by the injury. These are known as ‘special damages’.
As no two fractured hand cases are the same, we’re not able tell you exactly how much broken hand compensation you might win this early. However, once your hand injury claims solicitor has the full picture, they will be able to discuss your potential compensation with you. You can be assured that they’ll work hard to recover maximum hand injury compensation on your behalf.
A Nestle UK worker suffered a double compound arm fracture when his right hand was dragged into a machine. Nestle UK Ltd was fined almost £700,000 after pleading guilty to safety breaches
Broken and fractured hands are rarely the same for each person – some heal quickly while significant fractures can lead to long-term problems, for instance with writing, driving, holding cups and a phone and playing sports. This means we can’t estimate how much you can get in the way of general damages early on.
However, there are official guidelines – the Judicial College Guidelines (2022 edition) – which personal injury lawyers refer to when calculating hand injury compensation payouts. For example:
If you’ve suffered other injuries as well as your hand injury, your solicitor will take these into account when calculating the maximum compensation you deserve.
You can also try our online compensation calculator here for an initial estimate of how much compensation your hand injury compensation claim may be worth – but bear in mind it should only be treated as a guide (especially if you also have other injuries). Your specialist personal injury solicitors will discuss this with you in more detail.
Your claim for hand injury compensation will also include an additional amount if you’ve had to pay out for anything as a result of your hand injuries, or had to have time off work and lost out on earnings. Special damages covers items such as:
To help your solicitor prove these costs to the other side, you’ll need to pass on any receipts, invoices and pay slips that you have. These will be needed to show you’re entitled to repayment of your financial losses.
Yes, medical evidence is almost always necessary in personal injury claims. This is partly why it’s vital to seek medical advice if you suspect you have a fractured hand or other hand injuries. The initial medical records and notes will be crucial to your claim.
Further down the line, you will be asked to attend a medical assessment with a medical professional, such as an orthopaedic consultant. The doctor will talk to you about your hand injury, examine you and then write a report about your injury and your prognosis and whether further surgery or other treatments are required.
You don’t need to worry about organising this yourself or paying a fee as your solicitor will arrange it on your behalf under the terms of your no win no fee agreement.
Yes, most personal injury claims must be started within three years from the date of the accident. However, if the injured person is under 18, the three-year time limit does not start to run until they reach 18. That said, it’s important the claim is started on their behalf as early as possible while events are fresh in your mind and witnesses can still be contacted.
If the individual lacks mental capacity, the three-year time limit is extended – it does not start to run unless and until they regain their mental capacity.
Compensation claims made to the CICA should be made within two years of the date of criminal conduct and the assault must have been reported to the police as soon as soon as possible in any event.
To find out about the claims process, get in touch with specialist advisors on 0800 234 6438, or use our online form and leave your contact details and request a call back. You’ll be partnered with personal injury lawyers for a free initial consultation.
Nicola is a dual qualified journalist and non-practising solicitor. She is a legal journalist, editor and author with more than 20 years' experience writing about the law.
When you submit your details, you'll be in safe hands. Our partners are National Accident Helpline (a brand of National Accident Law, a firm of personal injury solicitors regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority). They are the UK's leading personal injury service. Their friendly legal services advisers will call you to talk about your claim and give you free, no-obligation advice. National Accident Law may pay us a marketing fee for our services.
By submitting your personal data, you agree for your details to be sent to National Accident Law so they can contact you to discuss your claim.
If you win your case, your solicitor's success fee will be taken from the compensation you are awarded - up to a maximum of 25%. Your solicitor will discuss any fees before starting your case.
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